Tuesday, 10 May 2011

The Hut People

The Milton Rooms in association with Adastra Music presents

Music in the Studio - The Hut People

"Ranges from the tenderly wistful and evocative to pulsating rhythmic dance. The duo's enthusiasm is evident in their playing throughout." 

- Nigel Schofield - The Living Tradition

Thursday 23rd June - 7:30 PM
Tickets £6.00
The Hut People are an accordion/percussion duo playing tunes from around the world. Sam Pirt, on accordion and Gary Hammond, on percussion began playing together in 2008 after jamming in Sam’s hut (studio), hence the name. Sam has been bathing in the folk world since a small boy. Gary has been paddling in the jazz, world and pop pool. Since meeting Gary has swum into the folk world where he is wet and happy.
The stage fills with percussion instruments from around the world as well as Sam’s accordians and dance shoes.

Book Now 01653 600 048

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